JUMP JAM Idol Winner 2007 Yr. 7-8

Jenny Bailey with Neil Curtis and Brett Fairweather

Previous to the Idol competition, our school had purchased all the JJ kits and we were familiar with Jump Jam having done it since starting school. We had entered all the previous Jump Jam competitions and had done well at Regional level and managed to get into the NZ Challenge Finals in both Auckland and Wellington. My start came when we did a student leadership course that showed students how to be dance leaders. This involved safe movements, breaking down the instructions and steps into manageable sizes, cueing and how to run a teaching class.

It was cool because it covered all you needed to know and had fun while learning. This was run in a school hall with students from all over Christchurch coming for this training. We had about ten students of our own there and the teaching methods were varied. Next up we used these skills in breaking down a dance we loved and preparing to teach it to other students. This involved learning the visual and verbal cues, making big movements and using lots of energy. As it involves both sides of the brain, you needed to be focussed. We practiced heaps and helped each other learn each of our dances. Our teacher then filmed us for entry into the NZ JJ Idol Finals. The results came in and I was in Queenstown skiing. Mr Curtis (my teacher), had got them by email or on the internet and couldn’t finish his breakfast (which was very unusual for him, he said). He rang my mother in Queenstown and she told me I was going up the Magic Carpet to the top of the learner’s slope. I let out a scream of delight, I was really thrilled with the result.

Next up was more practice and I got lots of feedback from people. Even our Caretaker got on board and encouraged us all. He had previously helped fund raise up to $750 for our earlier trip to Wellington for the Challenge competition. We had met his daughter Danielle the year before in Auckland when she was with Kaiapoi North school at the NZ Challenge competition. So it’s a really small world

Along came the NZ Competition. Ten primary students from Year 4 to 6 and ten Year 7/8 students completed in reverse grid. Some of the placings changed from the original results which shows there is always room for improvement if you want to. I got first! I received a cup, IPod and medal. The competition (other nine students) was all very good and I thought they all deserved a prize for their own excellence. They were all nice people. We took a team photo of all the competitors with Brett Fairweather which is posted on kidzaerobix.com. I can still remember many of the competitors.

It didn’t end there! I ended going to Auckland on January 8 and 9th and was filmed with Brett Fairweather and the first placed Primary student Stephanie Fergusson from Pinehill Primary in Auckland . This used student instructors with Brett Fairweather for the teacher/ now teacher/student video/DVD coming out in February 2008. .

I flew up with Mr Curtis on Tuesday and back into Chch on Wednesday night. Tuesday was spent getting some costumes and practising the seven routines. Wednesday was spent with the professional filming us.

My final thoughts….Jump Jam has given me more confidence and made me some new friends. It has enhanced my dance skills and understanding of what goes into making a dance like these. I have worked my brain really hard and participated with many, hopefully encouraging some to get fit along the way. I’m not sure what the future will hold for me…, but the last two years at Shirley Intermediate doing Jump Jam have been fantastic.

I think selecting the winners of the Primary and Yr 7/8 sections to be used in making future Jump Jam training DVD’s are a great move. It encourages excellence and gives another goal. It gives a focus back on students!

I started Jump Jam with a year’s worth of one day a week doing a basic Hip Hop class. Jump Jam is not elitist and anyone can do it. It helps you with fitness and thinking, plus participating and contributing. My self-worth has been improved and I am ready for what High School can offer.

In the words of Sir Edmond Hillary – “having determination and reaching high” are important if you want to achieve your goals. Jump Jam can provide this via its competitions that are open to all NZ schools and in just being part of a class or team doing Jump Jam for fitness. We all want to have fun and do something well in life, even adults. Jump Jam can do this for you. It has certainty helped me with my CV!

Thanks for the opportunities Kidz Aerobix/Jump Jam/Brett Fairweather and Mr Curtis my teacher. It has been a very cool two year trip that will have lasting memories for me going forward as a thirteen year old. We had just started Jump Jam at my old primary school Windsor primary – so I have now done Jump Jam for three years.

I look forward to it being made available to High Schools and look forward with interest to Hip Hop 2 which is meant to be a bit more technical.

Jenny Bailey
Shirley Intermediate, Christchurch

Check out the Competitions Page